The first real test of the new election year will be in Massachusetts a week from today. A special election is being held to fill the seat held for two generations by the late Teddy Kennedy. The race pits Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley against state Senator Scott Brown. Health care "reform" is front and center in this electoral contest.
Coakley is suggesting that she doesn't approve the health care bill as is. She opposes, apparently, both the House and the Senate version, a convenient position to take considering that polls show citizens in Massachusetts overwhelming opposed to any and all versions of Obamacare. Brown is on the side of the angels, at least as far as the public sees things. Brown opposes all versions of Obamacare and vows to provide the 41st vote to kill it in the Senate.
Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Reid has vowed that he will not seat Brown, if Brown wins the election, until after the Senate votes on cloture on the health care bill. So much for respecting the will of the people, but that has never been on Reid's agenda anyway. Reid believes, as do most left wingers, that his views are more important than the views of ordinary Americans -- a group for which he has little truck. Reid, and Obama, know what's best for us, even if we don't.
But, it is just a matter of time until Reid and Obama wind up in the political graveyard. You cannot ignore public opinion indefinitely as Reid and Obama will learn in 2010 to their chagrin.
Look for Brown to pull off the political upset of this generation.