Everywhere you look the Obama Administration seems to be coming apart at the seams. The slip this week into dime store demagoguery is just the latest in a long list of policy disasters that began with the swearing in of the new president.
Now, even the mainstream press is beginning to recognize that this administration is way off kilter. Joe Nocera opines this morning in the New York Times: "Now, I'm worried that the political response is making the crisis worse. The Obama Administration appears to have lost its grip on Congress, while the Treasury Department always seems caught off guard by bad news. And Congress, with its howls of rage, its chaotic, episodic reactions to the crisis, and its shameless playing to the crowds, is out of control. This week, the body politic ran off the rails."
Obama's strongest supporters including Stromberg of the Washington Post are beginning to panic. In this morning's Washington Post, Stromberg says that "Peter Orszag, President Obama's budget director, acknowledged that earlier federal revenue estimates were too optimistic...This about-to-explode political bomb couldn't have come at a worse time for the president -- and, once it goes off, Obama might even have to battle with sections of his own party."
The wheels are coming off of the administration after less than 100 days in office. About the only thing Obama seems to do these days that works, is party at the White House...he seems to like that...and make late night television appearances. Even the latter could not be accomplished without the new president insulting the handicapped through his slur of the Special Olympics program. What next?
The lack of experience of the new administration and its radical political agenda combine to produce the worst first 100 days in presidential history. The recovery could be in doubt if this administration continues this pattern of incompetence.